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Causeway Point - v1.20
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Causeway Point's Fiesta machine has been updated to version 1.20
The update was done at around 7pm, 26January 2011 Tell all ya' fellow pumpers to check out the area! All that's left is DG and CCK (According to JQ) Wait for me to update those areas, folks. I've got work and I'm real busy. This post was made @ 1:08 AM
Fiesta EX GSTs
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Well, I don't see Singapore getting a Fiesta EX upgrade any time soon, so..
Here's a little something to make us all feel better =) Fiesta EX GST download Not all the songs are in there, only some. But it's enough, right? ^^ Enjoy, and share the news about this blog to your fellow SG pumpers =P Lead them to this blog if they want the GSTs, don't give them the direct link, please =/ I'm desperate for readers >< List of songs in this download:
This post was made @ 10:18 PM
Esplanade outing
Sunday, January 23, 2011
this is Dyana! I'm not here to talk about some boring updates about the pump machine. >.> Justin also has a life, so I'm gonna help him out a little. Just yesterday, me, Justin, JQ and Hadi went to Esplanade to have a breather and take a few pikchas! Only thing is, I don't know how to upload all the photos into this blog. So we'll just have to wait for Justin to do the uploading! Btwww, this blog isn't just for updates on pump. I mean, we're family, and we do things together. So there'll be posts about us as well! Not just machines, pffft. I'm gonna let Justin do the rest of the work. Wait for him k! His computer is downnn. Only can go to LAN shops to update. Ohwells. Goodnight everyone, pleasant dreams! -Dyana [EDIT] Wtf, AT LEAST put a post title -______- -Justin [EDIT=2] 'Fiesta: How to Play' section is up and running. It isn't completely finished, though. However, I believe that sufficient information has been added for now. I will complete it next time, try it out! This post was made @ 10:14 PM
Fiesta/Pro2 Songlist && Blog Updates
Just so you guys know, I did all the updates at 'Virtualand', Some Internet Cafe away from home.
[EDIT] [EDIT=2] To Internet Exporer Users: Not sure if any of you readers use IE to view the blog.. Not to mention that you have to SCROLL up and down so much. I just have to make the Navigation area look the same on IE now..
It wasn't your browser's fault >< At least you got Mozilla now ^^ This post was made @ 6:59 PM
AMK Zone-X updates
Dyana, boo <3
I'm sorry I stayed out late and missed my last bus home..>< Forgive me? ---------------------------------------------- The letter paid off! AMK's Fiesta machine is now running on version 1.20! And here's what's new! 1.06 -> 1.07 -> 1.10 -> 1.20 -WPF 2011 Station added -New charts -Doin - Tepris (S2, S7, S16, D??) -Doin - Napalm (S13, S19, S22, D23) -Nina Pilots - Dieciseis (lv. 2 - 15) -Taiji Boys - In My Fantasy (finally available in arcade station) -Revivals -BanYa Production - Beat the Ghost (new S20) -BanYa Production - Bullfighter's Song (new D17) -BanYa - Midnight Blue (new S13) -BanYa - BanYa Classic Remix -Music Trains Added -030. Station -H&H Station -Wanna's Train -Mix Station -The Historic Classic Remix A -The Historic Classic Remix B Some more I forgot <.< And I will update the Songlist to match 1.20 next time. A very big thank you to JQ for coming all the way to AMK at 11pm and lending me his laptop for the machine AND blog update =) This post was made @ 12:28 AM
Mini Online Freestyle Competition!
Monday, January 17, 2011
For details about the competition, scroll down.. Voting for the competition will commence after five entries have been sent in! So far, we have two entries by the same person. Remember: -You can upload as many different freestyle videos as you want -You can only win one prize I will release the voting details when it's time to vote, stay tuned!~ Do send in your entries quickly if you want some pump merchandise. To view the entries before voting begins, go to the gallery section! Participating vids have their titles in red. New Rule Added: For Participating entries with more than one freestyler (A duo/team), only one of the three prizes may be won. The other freestyler(s) in the entry will be given 10PIU TCG cards instead. (Bet most of you didn't know that a 'Pump it Up' Trading Card Game exists ;) MINI ONLINE FREESTYLE COMPETITION #01 (2011) Any freestylers care to join an online Freestyle competition? Winners get an exclusive (Exclusive to Singapore, at least) Pump-merchandise! Here are the three goodies up for grabs! -Pump keychain(Blue) (Well, it has nylon string instead of a metal chain..) -Pump pin (Not Pro2-pin thingy, this one is shiny metal and black) -Pump notepad (The worst of the prizes, imo xD) <---- Pictures will come later ------> What to do: 1) Bring a camera to an arcade 2) Record your freestyle to ANY song 3) Upload onto the internetz 4) Inform me of your participation and give me the link to the vid 5) Wait for at least 5 people to join and a week to past after that 6) Collect prize if you won, cry if you lost Lemme' list down some freestylers I know so that you guys can inform them of this mini-freestyle competition. -Fabian -Justin (Not me, the Vietnamese) -Ah Hao -Spy -Crystal -Vance && Jason (Used to be a team, they're long gone) -Kenneth && Zack (They only sort-of freestyle to Beethoven but I would like them to get a video down and join) -Jeremy (Not my younger brother, some Chinese guy that freestyles at AMK at times) That's all I know of. If I have forgotten anyone, I apologize, do join this. If you CANT freestyle and would still like to compete in the off-hand chance that you might win something, go ahead ;) More participation is encouraged. Winners will be decided by whoever gets the most votes! -Winners with more votes get to choose their prizes first -You cannot vote for yourself. -You can only upload videos of yourself freestyling and not others -You can upload as many different freestyle videos as you want -You can only win one prize -For Participating entries with more than one freestyler (A duo/team), only one of the three prizes may be won. The other freestyler(s) in the entry will be given 10PIU TCG cards instead. -Do not try and find loopholes in my rules for I will change them as I see fit =P YES! I am SERIOUS about this mini online-competition. JOIN IT if you want some Pump-merchandise! I am giving away what I have, you know <.< No sponsors T.T BUT JOIN, DAMMIT. AND THAT MEANS YOU! I WANT YOU! TO JOIN! This post was made @ 8:25 AM
Happy Lunar New Year everyone!
Friday, January 14, 2011
A tad early to be wishing that to all you people.
But if you actually bother to come here to this blog, God dammit, you deserve the early wishes =) You'll notice that there's a new AHS banner staring at you ;) Like it? Enjoy the festive season! Bro-tip: Eat loads of Bakkwa [EDIT] Hey, I was reading through the Blog archives and noticed this: ![]() It's the signature that links to this blog! So, if you have a blog and would like to help get more traffic into AHS.. (And motivate me to add in more sections to this site..) Paste this code somewhere in your blogskin codes and tell people (Pumpers) to click on it! The code: <center><a href="" target="_blank"> [EDIT=2] As an extra Lunar New Year surprise... Justin is gonna' fight for the Zone-X Pumpers' enjoyment of PIU: Fiesta!~ This is a letter that was just sent to Zone-X (3:14am, January 14' 2011) I had hoped that I would not need to write in again. Many of the pumpers and I are disappointed that Zone-X has chosen to: 1) Disable the USB-boxes 2) Reduce the lives from 5 to 4 3) Increase the price per game 4) Not update the game anymore after it's 1.06 patch The USB-box is crucial to the game as it allows unlockable content and if you guys enable the USB-box, we, the pumpers, can update the machine, too. Pump it Up: Fiesta is at version 1.20 now. 1.06 -> 1.07 -> 1.10 -> 1.20 You can see how long I waited before finally writing in. I seriously have no idea why you all chose to make it $1.65 for 3 songs. That's $0.55 per song TimeZone has it at $0.45 per song and their USB-box is enabled. I, personally, do not go there and haven't updated any of their machines beyond 1.05, though. I ask that you all at least enable the USB-boxes and allow me to update Fiesta to 1.20 and allow pumpers to enjoy the many new songs, charts and courses. -Justin This post was made @ 2:24 AM
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Ironic that my PC has to crash and burn after I do something useful with it (This blog)
Ironic that my PC has to pull its own plug after I dissed Raymond's computer =P Imma' quote it:
Anyone got any clues on the next thing I should finish for the blog? This post was made @ 8:00 AM
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
After having had over five false alarms of the site not working properly,
I have decided to give the 'News' section a definite max-height of 200pixels. I MIGHT re-code the Pro 2 Song list if more than 3people have a problem with it: So far, Only one person has brought up the problem. Waiting for 3more people to step forth. This post was made @ 10:10 PM
Monday, January 3, 2011
There was so much wrong with my site source code that I had to re-do everything and didn't update the blog at all.
I deeply apologize and ensure that it won't happen again because it can't. What have I been doing? I recoded the site from scratch. All 3000+ lines of it. (It's now 2000+ lines of code =P) This site is now cross-browser compatible. It will work with FF, IE and Chrome. I do not recommend viewing the site in IE, though. IE tables are fucked up and IE makes the site look ugly. Stick to FF and Chrome, people. PS: As you guys are reading this, I am slowly updating the Gallery page and working on *Gasp* the PIU: Pro2 song list! I know that, much to my dismay, many of you prefer Pro2 over Fiesta and did not find much use for the Fiesta song list =/ The Pro2 song list will be more helpful =P [EDIT] The Pro 2 Song List is up and running! Check it out now, remember to read the News Section, too.
[EDIT=2] Added some, more recent, videos to the Gallery section. Enjoy watching them! If you would like to contribute a few videos to the Gallery section, feel free to inform me. This post was made @ 6:52 PM
Fiesta v1.2 Song Listtype:article
Pro2 Song Listtype:article
lol... my browser totally hanged itself when i tried loading the pro 2 song list... you put too many scripts in it i think...