Articles Section Fixed
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Fixed minor bug where the Pro2 Song List disappeared
This post was made @ 4:20 PM
Fiesta GSTs Added!
Monday, March 7, 2011
I have added 32 new songs to the downloads section. You read right;THIRTY TWO SONGS. They're all Fiesta GSTs. The OSTs are coming up soon. Until then; Keep Pumping! -Justin
This post was made @ 4:21 AM
Lack of MP3 updates
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I apologize for the lack of MP3 updates. I have been going out too much recently. They'll be up by tomorrow, I guess
This post was made @ 10:43 PM
Fiesta EX Downloads
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The downloads section is up and running, people! But because I don't have many (If any) readers, I've resorted to this.. The downloads section uses a 'point' system. You can earn a maximum of 10points a day. You earn points by commenting in the CBox. One comment = 10 points. So you only have to comment once a day, any more won't gain you more points. When you have enough points, go to the downloads section and select whatever it is you want to download. Then, you will be given a link and a password. 1) Open a new tab or window 2) Copy + Paste the link into the new window 3) Copy + Paste the password 4) Click 'Unlock File' 5) Download 6) Listen 7) ??? 8) Orgasm Party Don't be sad that you only get 10points a day. You can try working with other people to get the rest of the links and passwords =P
This post was made @ 1:26 PM
New Blogskin
Friday, March 4, 2011
Some of the more 'loyal' lurkers may realize that I've changed the blogskin many times. This is because I get bored and need something to do or I'll go crazy! Anyways, expect some nice downloads coming soon =P
This post was made @ 12:53 PM
Fiesta v1.2 Song Listtype:article
Pro2 Song Listtype:article