We're back!~
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The AnyHow-Step Blog is back online, people! Tell all your friends about it. Do read the 'News' section for information on this site and future updates. ------ Also, I need your help to populate the Pumpers' database! Please send me an FB message (If you are an FB-contact) or reply in the ShoutOut! section with the details necessary if you wish to be included! Name Age Gender Birthday Date Started Usual Pump Location Favourite Chart Play-Style Hardest Singles chart you can play Hardest Doubles chart you can play Display Pic (Yet to implement it, but I will, soon. Just choose any picture from the web, really <.<) If you wish to leave any of these parts BLANK, please just fill in a -NIL- I'll give an example: Name: Justin Age: 16 Gender: Male Birthday: January 8 Date Started: 23 August, 2009 Usual Pump Location: Everywhere Favourite Chart: Good Life - Drunken Tiger Play-Style: Speeder Hardest Singles: 22 Hardest Doubles: 23 Display Pic: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/hs866.snc4/70758_523491877_1463156_q.jpg Easy, right? --------- Also, I need help to populate the Gallery page! Just send me an FB-message or CBox reply with the following: Youtube / Facebook Video Link Title (Song title of chart) Uploader (Who uploaded it) Pumper (Who is playing the chart) Comments (Some random comments describing the video) Date Uploaded --------- And spread the word about this blog to all your fellow pumpers! Especially useful is the 'Fiesta: Song List' section! Check it out to see what I mean. Pro2's song list will be coming soon.
This post was made @ 7:32 AM
Fiesta v1.2 Song Listtype:article
Pro2 Song Listtype:article